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Privacy policy

Panacea Wholefoods understands that you are concerned about how information about yourself is handled. We appreciate your confidence and will treat your personal information with the utmost care and respect. We will only use the information you submit to us to improve your shopping experience and, in the event that you need our guidance, to provide you with the best opportunity of achieving your objectives.

What types of personal information does Panacea Wholefoods collect, and how does it use that information?

may obtain the following: Your name, address and date of birth,Your contact details, such as email address, postal and/or residential address and telephone numbers; Details of your payment arrangements – such as credit or debit card, bank account, or payment intermediary.

What is the purpose of collecting your Personal Information?

Panacea Wholefoods collects personal information about you so that Panacea can deal with you and offer you products and services as a customer and take care of your orders.We do not sell or distribute any information to any other person or organisation for any other reason than that for which it was originally collected.

Do you communicate by email?

Occasionally, we send you an email about our services and goods and updates on your online orders.

How we collect your personal and sensitive information?

We generally collect your personal information directly from you. Panacea Wholefoods may collect personal information about you when you deal with Panacea Wholefoods in person or by telephone, mail, fax, e-mail, social media or when you visit, or make any purchases through, the Panacea Wholefoods website.